Community Programs and Information
The following information is a community policing effort by the Huron Police Department to use the Internet as a bridge to pass on information and provide valuable police services through technology.
The Huron Police Department has created a variety of online services to better serve you. For additional information, you can click on any of the links below. If you have questions for the Huron Police Department please contact us.
Incident and traffic crash records, including dispatch logs, are available online. You can search for your record by report number, name, or a date range.
To access online dispatch logs, incident reports, and traffic crash reports, CLICK HERE
Hard copies of incident and traffic crash reports are available at the police department Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please have your name, incident report number, or traffic crash report number ready for the officer to expedite your request. Other local agencies reports are listed below:
Erie County Sheriff's Office Reports
Sandusky Police Department Reports
Perkins Township Police Department Reports
Norwalk Police Department Reports
Ohio Constitution Article I, Section 10a(D) guarantees certain rights to victims of criminal offenses and delinquent acts, known as "Marsy's Law." ORC 2930.01 codified these rights and establishes procedures for criminal justice entities to ensure victims' rights are protected from the time law enforcement makes its initial contact with the victim through prosecution, sentencing or disposition, and any post-conviction proceedings.
If the criminal offense is NOT a violation of a protection order, an offense of violence, or a sexually oriented offense, the process is slightly different. Upon initial contact with the victim, law enforcement is only required to provide the victim with information on how access the Victims' Rights Request Form. Law enforcement may provide the form and review it with the victim. [(ORC 2930.04(E)(2)(c)]
Victims' Rights Information Pages
The Huron Police Department provides golf cart inspections. No person shall operate a golf cart or utility vehicle on the streets within the City of Huron unless the golf cart or utility vehicle has been inspected and approved by the Chief of Police or his/her designee for compliance with the State of Ohio's statutory requirements that are applicable to motor vehicles. No Appointments are necessary. An inspection and registration issued under this section shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance. A triannual inspection and registration fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be collected at the Huron Police Department.
The following are the required equipment for the golf cart inspection:
- Must present a valid driver's license for the operation of a motor vehicle on public property or private property used for public travel.
- Must show proof of insurance on said golf cart.
- Must have at least one working brake light.
- Must have a windshield (safety glass and wipers).
- Must have a working horn.
- Must have two working headlights.
- Must have a license plate light
- Must have directional signals.
- Must have at least one working tail light.
- Must have a rear view mirrior.
- Must be equipped with occupant restraint system.
Q: What are the steps of the process?
A: First, verify that your golf cart meets the above standards. Next, come to the police department to pay the $25 inspection fee. The golf cart can either be trailered to the police department or an officer will respond to your residence for the inspection. After a successful inspection, a 3-year inspection sticker will be placed on the rear of your golf cart and you will be issued a copy of the inspection form. Take your inspection form and the bill of sale (or other proof of ownership) to the local title office to obtain a title. After you have completed this, take your new title to the license bureau to receive your license plate and registration. Attach the license plate to the back of your golf cart as described in 4503.21 of the Ohio Revised Code.
If your golf cart is already licensed or you are wanting to review your three year inspection, first come to the police department to pay the $25 inspection fee. The golf cart can either be trailered to the police department or an officer will respond to your residence for the inspection. After a successful inspection, a 3-year inspection sticker will be placed on the rear of your golf cart and you will be issued a copy of the inspection form.
Q: Can I operate a golf cart in a bike lane?
A: No, motor vehicles are prohibited from operation in a bike lane. The bike lane is for the exclusive use of bicycles only. A golf cart is classified as a motor vehicle.
Q: Are golf carts allowed on all streets in the City of Huron?
A: No, operation of a golf cart is prohibited upon any street in the City where the posted speed limit is greater than 35 miles per hour. Operation is only allowed on streets where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less. All rules of the road apply.
Q: Are safety belts required during golf cart operations?
A: Yes, all persons shall wear lap belts while operating or riding in a moving golf cart on a public roadway.
Q: What is the required age to operate a golf cart in the City of Huron?
A: The operator of a golf cart must be at least seventeen (17) years of age and possess a valid driver's license.
Q: Are children allowed to be passengers on a golf cart:
A: Any child who falls under the child restraint criteria set by Ohio Revised Code 4511.81 is prohibited from being a passenger in a golf cart operated on any City street, right of way or public area in the City of Huron. (Children who are up to 4 years old and less than 40 pounds which are required to be in a child safety seat or any child who is 8 years old or less and under 4'9" in height who are required to be in a booster seat).
Q: I had my golf cart inspected and/or registered in another jurisdiction. Do I still need to comply with the City of Huron's requirements on golf carts?
A: Yes, all golf carts that are operated in the City of Huron are required to be inspected on a triannual basis and meet the required equipment and operational standards. For further information, please review section 379 (Golf Carts) of the Huron City Ordinance.
The Huron Police Department provides residence checks for residents who are going away on vacation or will be out of town. Residents can download the residence check form and return it to the police department or you can pick a form up at the police department. We also offer safety tips for residents to use when they are going on vacation.
Residence Check Form Vacant Home Tips
The Huron Police Department invites neighborhoods to participate in their Block Watch Program. An individual officer is assigned to each neighborhood in the city. Certain criteria are established and a phone tree is followed to warn people of suspicious people or activity in their residential neighborhood. The person assigned to the top of the phone tree is then responsible for contacting the Huron Police Department with the predetermined required information. If you would like to participate in the Neighborhood Block Watch, please contact us.
Neighborhood Safety Tips Flyer
Are there registered sex offenders in your neighborhood? There are a number of ways to find out. The following links provide valuable information to you regarding sex offenders:
Search for sex offenders in your neighborhood
How sex offenders are classified?
Ohio Attorney General Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification
National Sex Offender Public Registry
If you have questions regarding a sex offender in your neighborhood, contact us.
The police department’s Project Life Saver program is available for any City of Huron resident. Project Lifesaver is the premier search and rescue program operated internationally by public safety agencies and it is strategically designed for “at risk” individuals who are prone to the life-threatening behavior of wandering. The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to a provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children with the propensity to wander due to a cognitive condition. For more information on this program, call (419) 433-5000 Ext.1591
Q: Who do I call when the emergency warning sirens are sounding?
A: Do not call anyone. Immediately seek shelter. The sirens are sounding because of severe weather. Tune to your local radio station for weather updates. Calling police or emergency numbers will tie up the Emergency 9-1-1 lines. Additionally, the sirens are tested monthly at noon on the first day of each month.
Q: I received a traffic citation (ticket). Where do I pay it?
A: Traffic citations and criminal summons can be paid at the Huron Municipal Court, 417 Main Street, Huron, Ohio 44839, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The court can be contacted with any questions on fines or court dates at (419) 433-5430.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of a police report?
A: Incident and traffic crash records, including dispatch logs, are available online. You can search for your record by report number, name, or a date range. To access online dispatch logs, incident reports, and traffic crash reports, CLICK HERE
Hard copies of incident and traffic crash reports are available at the police department Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please have your name, incident report number, or traffic crash report number ready for the officer to expedite your request.
Q: Can I make a police report at any time of the day or do I need an appointment?
A: Police reports can be made at anytime and no appointment is needed. Simply call the police department and an officer will be dispatched to your local residence or business. If it is more convenient, you can come to the police department and an officer will complete a police report for you.
Q: Is it legal to hunt within the city limits?
A: Hunting is prohibited in the Huron River and the Huron River Estuary or within 1,000 feet of any dwelling or other building, any public street, right of way, sidewalk, alley, nor or over any public property other than the Spoil Site at the mouth of the Huron River.
Q: Is it necessary to have a permit to sell door to door in Huron?
A: Yes, you can get a permit from the City Manager's office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am- 4:00 pm
Q: What is the curfew for juveniles in Huron?
A: The curfew ordinance states juveniles fifteen years old and younger shall not remain in on upon any public place between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day.
The Huron Police Department employs only full-time personnel. In order to be considered for a sworn position candidates must be certified peace officers through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy.
Locally the EHOVE Career Center and Sandusky High School offer day and night police academies for those interested in a career in law enforcement
The Huron Police Department allows unpaid internships for high school or college students. Interns participate in a variety of roles to including riding with police officers, working with court bailiffs, and riding with our Marine Patrol Officers. If you would like to be considered for an internship, contact us.
Public records are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. If you have a request for a public record, please click here.
Incident and traffic crash records, including dispatch logs, are available online. You can search for your record by report number, name, or a date range.
To access online dispatch logs, incident reports, and traffic crash reports, CLICK HERE
Hard copies of incident and traffic crash reports are available at the police department Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please have your name, incident report number, or traffic crash report number ready for the officer to expedite your request.
The Huron Police Department is a National Web Check site location and we conduct the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprints.
Fingerprints for employment or related purposes are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. with no appointment necessary. Appointments can be made for after-hours fingerprinting by calling the police department at (419) 433-4114 or contact us via e-mail.
The cost of the BCI check is $40.00 and FBI check is $42.00 or $82.00 for both. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, money orders of certified checks, and cash. We do not accept personal checks.
If you have questions regarding BCI and FBI fingerprints, click here.
The Huron Police Department endorses the National Child Identification Program as a means to help safeguard our children.
Officers of the Huron Police Department will fingerprint children free of charge for parents. On occasion, we host clinics at various locations throughout the City of Huron where parents can come and have their children’s fingerprints taken.
If your group or organization is interested in having an officer come and take child fingerprints, please contact us.
As a part of our community policing efforts, Huron Police officers participate in many public speaking events and discuss various law enforcement public safety topics.
Speaking engagements with the Chief of Police or any other staff member should be arranged at least two weeks in advance with the police department. For more information please contact us.
If you or your organization would like a tour of the Huron Police Department, please call us at (419) 433-4114 or e-mail us to set up a date and time.
Officers of the Huron Police Department routinely check local businesses for safety and security. In the event of an emergency, businesses will be contacted regardless of the hour. If you own a business, we would like to have a list of three or four key holders to contact in the event of an emergency. You can fax a list on company stationary to (419) 433-3272 or send it to us via e-mail.
Business Emergency Contact Form
It is estimated that 1 in 20 Americans will be the victim of identity theft. There are a number of safeguards available to you to help protect yourself and your family. Below are links to help in the fight against identity theft.
Ohio Attorney General – Identify Theft
Contact Huron Police Department at 419-433-4114 or by e-mail at to report violations.
Don't be a Party to Teenage Drinking!
It is illegal to host or allow teen drinking parties in your home
- It is unhealthy and unacceptable for anyone under age 21 to drink.
- It is unsafe and illegal for teens to drink and drive.
- Parents can be prosecuted under the law.
- Everything associated with a violation, such as personal property, can be confiscated.
What a Parent Should Know:
- As a parent, you cannot give alcohol to your teen's friends under the age of 21 under any circumstance, even in your own home, even with their parent's permission.
- You cannot knowingly allow a person under 21, other than your own child, to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcohol.
If You Break the Law:
- You can face a maximum sentence of six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.
- Others can sue you if you give alcohol to anyone under 21 and they, in turn, hurt someone, hurt themselves or damage property.
- Officers can take any alcohol, money or property used in committing the offense.
Please help create a safe prom and graduation season for our kids and communities:
A program of Ohio Parents for Drug Free Youth. With support from the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services and the Ohio Department of Safety.
The Huron Police Department is dedicated to the safety of our children particulary against online predators, those who bully and protection against "sexting."
Parents are urged to educate their children on the importance of cyber safety. The internet offers a wide array of opportunities for people of all ages. However, with these opportunities come with possible risks. Parents can reduce these risks by talking to their children about how they communicate, online and off, and encouraging them to engage in conduct they can be proud of.
Below are links for parents to use to help educate their children. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Net Cetera - Chatting with Kids about being Online
Disclaimer: This site is not to be used to report an emergency.
For police, fire, and ambulance emergencies, call 9-1-1.
When to Call 911
911 is for emergencies, medical, or police emergencies..., and when an immediate response is required!
If you are unsure how serious an incident is, call 911. Assistance will be dispatched to the most critical calls first.
Call 911:
- When there is an emergency, lives are in danger, and immediate action is required, such as a burning building or vehicle, serious injury or medical condition (i.e.; a heart attack), or an in-progress crime situation such as a shooting, stabbing, armed robbery, etc.
- When there is a good chance of arresting a crime suspect, or of preventing the development of a serious crime situation by reporting suspicious persons, vehicles or circumstances, threats of violence or injury, disturbances or actions which, if not controlled quickly, could lead to an emergency.
When You Call 911:
- Your call will be answered as soon as possible — do not hang up.
- Briefly state the nature of the call. Example: "this is an emergency; I want to report a ... (fire, heart attack, shooting, accident, robbery etc.)"
- Let the 911 operator control the conversation. The operator will determine how to best help you from the information you give. Be ready to tell the operator: The address where the emergency is occurring. Be sure to include the street name, building number, and any directional information (i.e.; north, west, south etc.) The name of the nearest cross street is helpful. Your name, address, and the phone number from which you are calling. If you wish to remain anonymous or keep information confidential, tell the operator. However, you should give a phone number where you can be contacted later.
- Do Not Hang Up Until Directed. Stay on the telephone until the operator tells you to hang up.
- If there is a long delay in response, the operator will attempt to call you back.
- Call and cancel your request if you no longer need help.
If in doubt, call 911 - Every Second Counts!
To capture a criminal in these highly mobile times, it is of utmost importance for law enforcement to promptly obtain an accurate description. Following are some of the most important identifiers law enforcement needs to apprehend criminal suspects. Keep this information in mind so that you can give the sheriff or police an accurate description of any criminal or criminal incident you may observe.
Location information is critical:
- Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
- Note the time as precisely as possible.
- Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what type-revolver, handgun, shotgun, knife, etc.
- If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.
- If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible: vehicle type (auto, truck, van, etc.), color, make and model, condition (dirty, damaged, etc.), and license plate numbers. Note also if the vehicle has no license plates.
- Watch for decoys or accomplices.
A variety of general description information about the suspect should be noted:
- Sex
- Race or national origin
- Age (estimated)
- Height-use comparisons with your own height, a door, or some other standard measure
- Weight (estimated)
- Build-fat, husky, slim, muscular, etc.
Facial information is also important:
- Hair-note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
- Forehead-note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
- Eyes-note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
- Nose-overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
- Cheeks-is the flesh sunken, filled out, dried or oily? Are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? Are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
- Ears-note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
- Mouth-are lips thin, medium, full? Do corners turn up, turn down, or level?
- Chin-what is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? Double chin, dimpled, cleft?
- Neck-note protruding Adam's apple or hanging jowls
- Complexion-note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
- Facial hair-clean shaven? Unshaven? Beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns?
- Tattoos-shape and style; on what part of the body
Clothing information is also very important:
- Hat-note color, style, ornaments, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
- Coat-note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
- Shirt/Blouse/Dress-note color, design, sleeves, collar
- Trousers/Slacks/Skirt-note color, style, cuffs
- Socks-note color, pattern, length
- Shoes-note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), condition
- Accessories-sweater, scarf, gloves, necktie
- Jewelry-rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
- General appearance-neat or sloppy? Clean or dirty?
- Oddities-look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork
You will never be able to remember all of these details about any one suspect you may see. But remembering as many as possible can be particularly helpful to law enforcement and to your community.